The Problem

The problem ..

The baby’s the problem
The mop’s the problem
The alarm clock is the problem
The kettle is the problem
The car is the problem
The bed is the problem
The kid is the problem
The neighbor is the problem
The work is the problem
The mother in law is the problem
The speaker is the problem
The boss is the problem
The washer is the problem
The dog’s the problem

But maybe…

Our expectation of what should be, is the problem.

Our to-do list is the problem
Our inability to forgive is the problem
Our lack of self-love is the problem
Our impatience is the problem
Our insecurity is the problem
Our unresolved trauma is the problem
Our deep-seeded anger is the problem
Our in-alignment is the problem

What’s the solution?

You might find acknowledgement of the “real” problem is all that is needed for dissolution of the “problem”.

Nothing to “fix”.

Just to witness,

And accept,

All that is.