Lifestyle Medicine


Drink Clean water

Most people can benefit from increasing their water intake. A general rule of thumb is drinking 1/2 you body weight in ounces. This is not always necessary and not the lens Chinese Medicine and other modalities would prescribe. However, I find that overall, increasing hydration status with pure, clean, filtered water, will do more benefit than not. Try adding sea-salt, lemon, and/or lime to your water as these natural electrolytes allow for improved absorption.

Fun tip: Water is the #1 mucolytic therapy (breaks up mucus). Sick? Drink up.

Potential caution: Individuals whom should take caution with drinking “too” much water include individuals with congestive heart failure, severe kidney disease, and low sodium.

Who could benefit: Individuals experiencing constipation; fatigue; acne; rashes; muscle cramps and pain; UTI’s; URI’s; frequent colds and infections; and imagine this list going on and on…

Resources: High quality water filters are an important house staple. We now know too well of the consequences of unfiltered water, such as heavy metal toxicity and pathogens that cause gastrointestinal upset and beyond. Water can be contaminated via storm water, pesticide runoff, industrial waste, acid rain, and the water treatment process itself. Groundwater also can be exposed to pathogenic contaminants that may produce disease in humans.
My favorite filters are Berkey Filters, which are charcoal filters aimed to remove pathogens (viruses and bacteria), inorganic materials, heavy metals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals.


Deep sleep

Sleep that allows us to wake feeling refreshed without the use of stimulates is known as restorative sleep. This restorative sleep does just that, restores our energy to carry out another day. While you sleep, your body is repairing itself on a cellular level. While you are sleeping your body is in a parasympathetic state, allowing for the gastrointestinal tract to function optimally.

A quality sleep routine involves the following:
- Going to bed shortly after the Sun (typically 9pm* is an ideal time to fall asleep)
- Sleeping in an environment that is relaxing, clean, and safe.
- Sleeping without disruptors (snoring, pets, etc.)

Tips if having difficulty falling asleep:
- create a night-time routine
- discontinue use of electronics by 7pm
eat no later than 7pm
- Drink warm herbal tea which aids in sleep
- Enjoy epsom salt baths before bed

Tips if waking in the middle of the night:
- avoid getting out of bed unless the need to use the restroom
- avoid looking at the time or any artificial lighting as this may trigger a cortisol (stress) response, keeping you up longer.



This word encapsulates laughter, peace, and happiness. Finding joy can be difficult for some, and the journey to search for authentic joy can look different for everyone. My recommendations, are to take note of when you smile, when you feel most relaxed, and when you feel safe. Find ways to incorporate more of what makes you smile, relaxed and feel safe. Surround yourself by individuals that encourage and allow for such joy.