Sweat Lodge

I did a sweat lodge this past weekend.

This means I joined individuals who created a space to hold a sweat lodge ceremony. Simply put, we sit with hot rocks, under a tent of blankets, to create a hot environment to promote sweating and detoxing of body, and mind.

Traditionally speaking, Native Americans would participate in sweat lodge ceremony for many reasons. This may have been in part as a scheduled ritual or for particular illness or celebrations.

The intention behind sweat lodges is both to physically sweat out toxins and waste, and to mentally discharge toxins and waste. We do the latter through creating community, and we create community through chanting, through song, and through story sharing. These stories may be a legend told over generations, an intuitive sharing, or visions from meditations and the like. Chanting and song create resonance through frequencies, and this can only be understood when experienced. And the sweating, visit any good sauna, and you know what I am talking about.

Iā€™m grateful to have found community unscathed by the criticisms which are commonplace when emulating traditional practices, a community who stays rooted in their purpose to give to the earth, and not take, a community dedicated to serving people and their intimate and often troubled history, and a community, dedicated to exploring the boundaries of the human mind and spirit.

If you find yourself curious about, anything, I dare you to explore. Explore what the spirit calls on and dance in the wind of your mind. You will go, so, so far.