It's here... the blog.

Sometimes, we set up unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Perhaps we do it out of love, or perhaps we do it out of betrayal. Ultimately, I have every right to express my sincerely apologies for the delay in sharing my musings, my knowledge, and my heart with the world. And simultaneously, I don’t owe anyone, anything. That last sentence is a hard sentence to write for myself. I do wake up each morning feeling as though I owe the world everything. And if I’m being honest, I nearly collapse at the mental list of what needs to be shared, expressed, and understood. The result, is that it is never let out. I rarely share. I rarely write. And so today, I’m writing. But I’m writing for myself. As I dabbled with my website this morning, an interesting observation surfaced, I have everything in pending space. So much of my blog posts, my workshop ideas, my protocols, my crafts, hover in potential energy. But I am right there. I am right at the cusp of exposing and sharing it all and the block, is me. The block, is my expectation of myself. And once I liberate myself from my own expectations, I’m free to just share comfortably, and casually, and out it shall flow, without expectation, time-line, or agenda.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with what you want to learn. I will share anything from environmentalism, farming, gardening, homesteading, ranching, and of course, all things holistic health and wellbeing.

In love,

Dr. Howell