Nourishing Life Course

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Nourishing Life Course


Sourcing our innate wisdom is the foundation of a fulfilled life, and living a nourishing life gives depth to our time on this earth.

Taylor Howell N.D. and Jackie O'Neil LCSW, come together to lead a course on all things self-knowing. This 8-week course offers an opportunity to learn about your inner landscape; how your thoughts, lifestyle habits, emotions, and even diet create your reality. You will also be supported and witnessed, and learn from others in the safe group container.

This course is for women who may experience anxiety, depression, shame, self-doubt, difficulty with self-love, or simply searching for more depth and understanding of this life.

This course is especially for you if you are at a time in your life where you’re ready for clarity for your next chapter and would love the support of others along your journey.

Included in this virtual course is:

  • (3) 60-minute sessions with Dr. Taylor Howell (1-on-1)

  • (3) 60 minute sessions with therapist Jackie O’Neil (1-on-1)

  • (8) Zoom calls with other course members (Group)

  • Welcome gift on your doorstep

When: TBD (reach out with inquiries)

*Payment plans made available upon request

*Limited scholarship opportunity upon consultation

*Although Jackie and Taylor are professional health providers, for the sake of this course, they work with clients through facilitation and coaching, and do not practice as a therapist or doctor.

*15-minute application call required prior to joining

If interested or have questions, please schedule your application call by emailing:
